We Overcome by the words of our Testimonies

We Overcome by the Words of our Testimonies!!

The bible clearly states:

New Living Translation (©2007)And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. Revelations 12:11

Who is the "him" in this verse?? Satan

Who are they?? The Saints of God.

Are you a Child of God?

Have you been baptized in the Name of Jesus ??

2Peter 38 verse: And Peter said unto them, REPENT, and be Baptised in the NAME OF JESUS for the REMISSION of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holyghost.

...........And they have defeated him by the Blood of the Lamb.

Who is the Lamb? Jesus Christ

In the old testament, the book of Leviticus we study about the Levites and laws /commands for proper worship and sacrifice unto the Lord.

Once a year the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies to make an Atonement to God for God's Chosen People.

The Atonement /sacrifice was to cover the sin that God's chosen had commited in that year. The sacrifice had to be pure, spotless, without any blemishes.... which represents Holiness.

The Atonement was prophetic for what was to come, which represents the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ himself.

Because of His pure and Holy life, through His Blood we are Redeemed.

Have you been redeemed ?
What's  your Testimony?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/27/2012

    I would like to testify aboou the resurrecting power of God. By the Power and unction of God, he has been restoring my life and many others. He has told me and showed me that he is a healer, deliverer, keeper, provider and protector.. God has and is so good to me and my family. I had to step out on faith, last year, leave everything behind to move into the next level of my life... It wasn't easy but it was worth it!! God is so worthy and I am so thankful to be a vessel that he can use for his glory.. all of my righteousness is as filthy rags, so lord use me because I am no good with out you!


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